Sunday, January 20, 2013


Did you know that mineral oil is a known carcinogen that is on the World Health Federations list of known proven carcinogen? Our personal care products are full of mineral oil used only as filler. The rendering industry processes slaughterhouse waste, road kill, euthenized animals, etc into many ingredients used in making skin care and cosmetics. Two great reasons to get these out of your house today! No wonder disease among women is on the rise.

Mineral oil or liquid petrolatum is a by-product in the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline. It is a transparent, colorless oil composed mainly of alkanes (typically 15 to 40 carbons) and cyclic paraffins, related to white petrolatum. Mineral oil is a substance of relatively low value, and it is produced in very large quantities. Mineral oil is available in light and heavy grades, and can often be found in drug stores.

Here is a list of other known names for mineral oil. Check for these in your ingredients list on you personal products and cosmetics.

ü  adepsine oil

ü  alboline

ü  baby oil

ü  bayol 55

ü  cable oil

ü  bayol f

ü  blandlube

ü  blandol white mineral oil

ü  carnea 21

ü  clearteck

ü  crystol 325

ü  crystosol

ü  Diala-X, AX

ü  drakeol

ü  electrical insulating oil

ü  ervol

ü  filtrawhite

ü  fonoline

ü  frigol

ü  glymol

ü  Heat-treating oil

ü  hevyteck

ü  hydraulic oil
hydrocarbon oils

ü  jute batching oil

ü  kaydol

ü  kondremul

ü  kremol

ü  LHM

ü  lignite oil

ü  liquid paraffin

ü  lubricating oil

ü  master Shimmer

ü  mineral oil (saturated parrafin oil)

ü  mineral oil hydrocarbon solvent (petroleum)

ü  mineral oil mist

ü  mineral oil, aromatic

ü  mineral oil, paraffinic

ü  mineral Seal Oil

ü  molol

ü  neo-cultol

ü  nujol

ü  oil mist

ü  oil mist, mineral, severely refined

ü  Oil mist, refined mineral

ü  oil, petroleum

ü  paraffin oil (class)

ü  parol

ü  paroleine

ü  peneteck

ü  penreco

ü  perfecta

ü  petrogalar

ü  petrolatum

ü  petroleum hydrocarbons

ü  petroleum, liquid

ü  primol

ü  primol 355

ü  primol d

ü  protopet

ü  saxol

ü  tech pet

ü  f triona b

ü  uvasol

ü  univolt N60, 80

ü  voltesso 35

ü  white mineral oil

Listed below are just 4 reasons why not to use products that contain mineral oil:

1)     Mineral oil masks itself as Estrogen. Making women Estrogen Dominant, which throws off our hormone levels causing many side effects such as: Depression, weight gain, thyroid problems, breast cancer, etc?

2)    Mineral oil blocks the pores from releasing toxins. Toxins are then found in lymphoid and breast tissue of breast cancer patients.

3)    Mineral oil blocks the skin from ever receiving moisture, thus your skin will be dry each day.

4)    A 1996 John Hopkins Study list Mineral oil as the #2 cause of aging
Number 4 is a puzzle to me. Why in the world would cosmetic and skincare companies use mineral oil if it is going to promote aging?
Do your products contain mineral oil?
Arbonne products do not contain mineral oil. Safe, Pure, Beneficial!

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